Self-Defense Classes in Frisco, TX
Basic Training Vs. Elite Training
Basic training teaches fundamentals; elite training promotes expertise. Large classes appear to keep costs down, but take twice as long (anywhere from 4 to 6 years) and the attrition is huge! At Combat Fitness USA, we train to achieve an elite combat black belt in 2 years in a highly personalized setting. We aim to cross the finish line with each and every student!

(click here)
Learn open-hand self-defense and offense from shoulder grabs, wrist grabs, pushing, choke holds and defense against multiple attackers. Overwhelm your attackers without hesitation.

(click here)
Learn offensive striking techniques. We use the 'Science of 8': striking with hands, elbows, knees and shins. Its effectiveness is undisputed.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
(click here)
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Learn submission choke holds and applying joint locks. Bjj allows you to submit a much larger and heavier aggressor. Proper technique allows you to defend yourself successfully, sometimes even without throwing a punch.

Baton Certification
(click here)
Baton and Knife certification
Private or Groups training up to 16 people!
Learn realistic strategies like…
- Footwork
- Self-Control with Focus
- Strike & Counter Strike
Personal Fitness Training
We will bring the workout to YOU!

We cater to the individuals ability and fitness goals. Get in the best shape of your life!
Enjoy all of the benefits of Elite Black Belt conditioning and endurance training!